Hippomed Air-One Akku

Hippomed Air-One Accumulator – ultrasound inhaler for horses

Hippomed Air-One Akku
Hippomed Air-One Accumulator

The Hippomed Air-One accumulator version is just as efficient as the electricity version, but more flexible in use. You have the possibility to use the accumulator version while it’s plugged in.

The smallest detail considered

The nebulizer pot lid offers a perfect connection with the air tube. A specialized air supply system causes a so-called “funnel-effect” allowing the horse to breathe much easier. Surplus vapor remains within the device, condenses and thus doesn’t get lost. The nebulizer pot lid of the Air-one can be removed quickly to fill in contact liquid into the nebulizer pot. Also the compound can easily be filled in the medication cup. The tube connecting the vaporizer and the gas mask is simply shoved on the respective sockets. The sockets guarantee a proper fit, but will disconnect if the horse should panic.

Hippomed Air-One Inhalator contents
Hippomed Air-One inhaler contents

Latest ultrasound technique

High performance crystals produce the finest vapor with microscopic aerosol particles. These particles will vary between 0.47 µm and 6 µm maximum during permanent operation. The vaporisation capacity amounts to 6.7 ml/minute which is extremely high.
Just test it – you will be surprised!

Yes, but only with the correct vaporizer!

The inhalation is of great importance for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tracts. With the ultrasound vaporizing, the so-called aerosol therapy, the medicine reaches the lungs very quickly. The sodium chloride solution (NACL) and the medicine are vaporized very intensively. Advantage: The lungs are covered with moisture that even gets to the small alveolus.

Rely on the competence and experience of Hippomed and Rheintechnik. Trust in 25 years of experience in the development and production of ultrasound inhalers. The Air-one was especially designed for the application with horses. All components of
the Air-one are perfectly coordinated.

Functional design

The electronic devices of the vaporizer are protected by a shatter-proof and water-resistant body. The control panel is absolutely easy to use. One simple button switches on and off. Any malfunction due to low water levels or overheating are securely displayed.

AIR ONE clears the respiratory tracts – effortless breathing for your horse

The gas mask is transparent and carefully designed to guarantee a snug fit for all types of horses. On the upper side there is a soft and sealing silicone rubber which can be replaced. The bottom leaves enough space for phlegm the horse might exhale. The fresh air supply is continuously variable and conveniently placed to the tube connection, providing the ideal mix of oxygen and inhalant. A valve in the tube socket prevents the vapour from being pushed back into the tube. The two exhaling valves are fitted on both sides of the gas mask, allowing the horse to breathe evenly. All valves can be easily replaced. Thus, the cleaning and inspection of your Air-one inhaler is simple. An adjustable halter with Velcro closures slipped through the openings on the rim of the mask is included.

Targeted and successfull assistance:

The medicines are nebulized so fine, that not just the bronchi but also the remaining branches up to the alveoli can be reached – 0,47 ym. As the nebuliser can be adjusted according to the ventilation and the lung capacity (approx. 3 to 5 ml per inhalation), the Hippomed Air-One can produce approx. 15 ml per minute. The primary objective is to inhale humidity (NaCl).

Wall holder

The nebuliser can be either hang on the wall with the supplied wall holder or, as per usual, be placed on the ground and its height adjusted to your needs.

Worthwhile investments

The Hippomed Air-One requires virtually no maintance – it only needs to be kept clean. The supplied consumables, such as medication cup, contact fluids and design fetching solution will last approx. 1 – 1.5 years per horse.

Neu-Tec Vet-Line Equi, für die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden Ihres Pferdes oder Kleintieres. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier!
Therapieberatung/ Therapieplanbegleitung - Sie wollen oder müssen inhalieren? Wir beraten Sie gerne!
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